Wednesday, November 07, 2007


A pouring rain spilled off the hood of the car as we minced our way up the FDR drive. I hadn't calculated the bad weather into our arrival time and had visions of Dr. Wells and staff waiting a bit impatiently since I was the first appointment. However when I got there the only one a bit frazzled was me. The others moved at a leisurely pace and Dr. wells even sat down in the waiting room with me to chat and go over the procedure. The anesthesiologist had a few questions as did Theresa, who would be doing the Active FX Lazer after the surgery. Carol the operating room nurse brought me my outfit for the day and escorted me into the operating room. The anesthesi waited with what she promised was a strong cocktail and off I drifted to the sounds Of Janis Jolplin.
The next thing I knew they were gathered around telling me how great I had done, holding up a mirror and asking if I wanted to look. I immediately snapped to. My friend Marcia who was responsible for me being there had warned me to refuse. "It's not a pretty sight," was the way she put it. But being a woman who never could resist a mirror no matter what it may show I had to take a peek. She was right except for the fact that my eyes looked bigger than I had seen them in years. They had lost their droop. The rest of the day and night passed in a haze of pain killers and relief. Later that night Dr. Wells and staff came back to check on me and took the bandages off and had me look again. Yes I was swollen but beneath the swelling I caught a glimpse of a woman I hadn't seen in years.
I was back home by 8:30 this morning with directions to administer cool compresses and keep my face covered with a copper creme Theresa had given me. By this evening my face is starting to peel and will probably lose some of its years of sun damage by tomorow. Then I'm back to Dr. Well's office on Friday afternoon to have my face cleaned of the dead skin.
I know I promised pictures but I'm having a bit of trouble downloading my new software. So be patient. They will appear including before snd several afters.