Monday, July 30, 2007


A confession: until very recently I'd never had a summer when my nails were up to being noticed. Blame it on gardening or extensive time in salt water, but without fail two days after a manicure I was reaching for the remover to erase the remnants of chipped polish. Without polish my nails had that ill groomed look that was difficult to ignore.

Then in one of my aimless forays down the beauty aisle of my local drugstore I found Sally Hansen' Natural Shine Instant Nail Finish. Instant shine spoke directly to me and I immediately purchased it. The product comes in two shades, clear and a pink tint. I opted for the latte. and applied two coats as soon as I got home. The result was shiny, healthy looking , well groomed nails. The transformation took less than five minute and I was so pleased I spent more time than that admiring them. The attractive gold tone cylinder case housing the polish is perfect to tuck in your purse so you can even do your nails on the run. Now I have no more excuses for those ungroomed nails.
My daughter Joan, who has been badgering me to have my nails professionally buffed as she does, recently arrived from CA. She glanced at my nails and remarked, "I see you finally took my advice!" I just smiled.

Cheers, Barb

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